Fedora/ARK Kernel

This documentation covers setting up a development environment, the repository layout, and the general contribution workflow.

Quick Start


To start with you need to:

  1. Make a GitLab account if you do not already have one.

  2. Fork the repository. Wait patiently for this to complete.

  3. Configure pull mirroring on your fork (see below).

  4. Set up Koji or Mock if desired.

Pull mirroring keeps your fork in sync and avoids the need to configure a separate remote in Git. Once GitLab finishes forking the repository:

  • Go to your fork from your personal GitLab projects.

  • In the sidebar, click ‘Settings’ and then ‘Repository’.

  • Next to ‘Mirroring repositories’, click ‘Expand’.

  • Enter the Git repository URL: https://gitlab.com/cki-project/kernel-ark.git

  • Ensure the ‘Mirror direction’ is ‘Pull’.

  • Leave the ‘Password’ blank.

  • Select ‘Overwrite diverged branches’ (ARK rebases every GA release)

  • Leave the other checkboxes blank (or select them if desired).

  • Click ‘Mirror Repository’. The first update will take about 20 minutes.

Cloning the Repository

Install the dependencies for generating source RPM packages:

sudo dnf install git make gcc flex bison bzip2 rpm-build python3-pyyaml

Then clone the repository. To use SSH, register your SSH key in GitLab first.

# Clone using SSH
git clone git@gitlab.com:${GITLAB_USER_NAME}/kernel-ark.git && cd kernel-ark
# Clone using HTTPS
git clone https://gitlab.com/${GITLAB_USER_NAME}/kernel-ark.git && cd kernel-ark

The os-build branch is checked out automatically after cloning. This branch contains the configuration and build scripts, and it is regularly updated to work with Linus’s master branch.

The ark-latest branch contains a very recent ‘known-good’ version of the os-build branch that can be used if the os-build branch does not compile due to upstream bugs. However, the os-build branch must be used as a Merge Request target for all Fedora/ARK specific changes.

Build Dependencies

kernel-ark has a long list of BuildRequires that are specified in the kernel.spec file. Built-in rpm commands like ‘yum builddep’ will not work on all OSes (see BZ 2103214), and ‘yum deplist’ which requires the configuration and enabling of a source repository. As a result a ‘dist-get-buildreqs’ target has been added that will provide a list of missing dependencies. This list can be consumed by other commands to install missing packages:

# install missing build dependencies
yum -y install $(make dist-get-buildreqs | grep "Missing dependencies:" | cut -d":" -f2)

Some packages may require the enabling of additional repositories such as the system-sb-certs package which can be found in a Centos-Stream or RHEL CodeReady Linux Builder (CRB) repository.

Local builds

With the os-build or ark-latest branch checked out, get the kernel .config:

make dist-<flavor>-configs # or make dist-configs-arch
cp redhat/configs/kernel-<version>-<arch>.config .config

Where flavor can be rhel or fedora

You can now execute any common upstream make targets (make, make -j, make cscope, etc.).

Building packages

With the os-build or ark-latest branch checked out, build a source RPM package:

make dist-srpm

You can now build the binary RPM packages however you would like:

# Build packages locally in Mock
mock redhat/rpm/SRPMS/kernel-*.src.rpm
# Build packages in Fedora's Koji
koji build --scratch rawhide redhat/rpm/SRPMS/kernel-*.src.rpm
koji build --scratch eln redhat/rpm/SRPMS/kernel-*.src.rpm


# this target requires internal Red Hat network access and will always
# build against the latest RHEL major compose
make dist-brew

The dist-brew target can be used with the BUILD_FLAGS variable to specify specific architectures. For example, to only build the x86_64 and noarch architectures,

# this target requires internal Red Hat network access and will always
# build against the latest RHEL major compose
make dist-brew BUILD_FLAGS="--arch-override=x86_64,noarch"

Want to add a patch? Just apply it with git cherry-pick or git am, and re-run make dist-srpm. To modify the kernel configuration, make changes in redhat/configs/ (consult the repository layout for details on this).

Contributor Guide

Maintainer Guide

Indices and tables